







Full Day


Special Features


HIE Request



For PCM users only. Effective version 16.10.11, clinics can access hospital database systems to obtain patient reports via HIE (Health Information Exchange) communication. Intellect queries the hospital database to pull any information on a given patient, displays the information, and saves the file to PCM's inbox. The query is initiated through the HIE Request option on the Appointment Schedule context/right-click menu.


Set up is required before HIE communication can take place. See Utility --►Facility --► HIE Endpoint for set up information.


1. To initiate HIE communication, go to Schedule --►Appointment --►Full Day.


2. Hover the mouse over the patient for whom to generate a report and right-click the mouse to display the context/right-click menu:



3. Click the HIE Request option to display a list of participating hospitals (including facility code) from which to choose.

Note: To add hospitals to the list, contact the hospital and request their information (see Utility --►Facility --►HIE Endpoint, Set Up, Step 3 for specific information).



4. Click on a hospital, and then click [OK] to request the reports for the selected patient. All available reports display:



5. Click on the desired reports, and then click on [OK]. The selected report(s) are sent to PCM's inbox.


6. Open PCM and retrieve the report file from PCM's inbox.


Effective version 17.02.17, when viewing the report file in PCM, if the image is a diacom image, the image displays as a picture. For example:



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