





Users may send a voice message to applicable patients for various reasons.

For example, a voice message may be sent:


to all patients whose birthday is in April, reminding them to schedule their annual exam.


to all patients with the same diagnosis, letting them know about new treatments or options for their diagnosis.


to all patients at the clinic, notifying them that the office is moving to a new location.


to patients who have missed an appointment, reminding them to reschedule


to patients who are late making their payments, reminding them to send the payment as soon as possible



Set up in these areas must be completed before the Voice Message and/or Text to Voice options may be used:


A. Twilio Set Up

B. Utility --►Tools --►Configuration Set Up

C. MP3 File Set Up




A. Twilio Set Up

Offices who do not already have a Twilio account should go to www.twilio.com and set one up.


You MUST sign up with Twilio to use this feature.



B. Utility --►Tools --►Configuration Set Up


1. <Webserver Port>                  


1.1 The clinic's IT person should complete set up for this field.


1.2 Enter the port to be used by the web server. It has to be an open port through the firewall.  


2. <Twilio Account SID>            


2.1 Information for this field is available from Twilio when setting up a Twilio account.


3. <Twilio Auth Token>              


3.1 Information for this field is available from Twilio when setting up a Twilio account.



C. MP3 File Set Up

Recorded voice messages may be created in MP3 file format on an ipad with retinal display (i.e., iPad4), workstations, or the server. The content of a voice message is limited only by your imagination. For example, a reminder for an annual physical could include the office singing happy birthday, followed by their callback information.


Before Recording MP3 Format Files


You will need:


a sound card and microphone/headset on the workstation/server being used to record


MP3 software application to record message(s). Offices who do not already have an MP3 software application to record their message(s) should do a Google search for MP3 format recording and select one from the list to download.


After Recording Your MP3 Format Files


1. If a message was not recorded on the server, it needs to be downloaded to the server at home/staff/app/webserver/webapps/ROOT.


1.1 When naming the file, keep in mind that the file name needs to be entered in <Field Value> on the Utility --►Set Up --►Field Choices --►Add screen, which has a 30-character limited. The file name should be entered without the .mp3 file extension; i.e., for a file named reminder.mp3, enter reminder.


1.2 A shortcut may be set up on the desktop for home/staff/app/webserver/webapps/ROOT.


2. Once the MP3 message file is on the server at home/staff/app/webserver/webapps/ROOT, go to:


Utility --►Set Up --►Field Choices --►Add


2.1 <Field Name>                   


2.1.1 Type VOICE_MESSAGE, and press return. If there are MP3 files already set up, they display in the drop-down list.

Note: All MP3 files display on the drop-down list, whether or not they are used in Management --► Letters --► Newsletters, Management --► Aging --► Report Aging, etc.


2.1.2 An 'a' for 'add' automatically displays in the <CMD> field, and the focus moves to the <Custom(Y/N)> field.


2.2 <Custom (Y/N)>                


2.2.1 Type Y and press [Enter]; the focus moves to the <Field Value> field.


2.3 <Field Value>                       


2.3.1 Enter the name of the MP3 format file, as saved on home/staff/app/webserver/webapps/ROOT, and press [Enter]. The focus moves to the <Description> field.


2.4 <Description>                       


2.4.1 Enter an identifying description for the file entered in <Field Value> (e.g., 'Happy Birthday song,' 'New Derma-Abrasion procedure'). Press [Enter] to complete the entry of the MP3 file to the table.


2.5 To save the addition(s), log out of Intellect, and then log back in. Once logged back in, the MP3 file may be used.


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