





Appointment Reminder


CallSTAFF Automated Appointment Reminder


Using CallSTAFF with a Third-Party Internet Company



Effective Intellect Version 9.12.18:

CallSTAFF may be used with Twilio, a third-party internet company, eliminating the need for a dedicated phone line and Dialogic board. When version 9.12.18 was released, Twilio charged 2 cents per minute for outgoing calls; this amount is subject to change. To use Twilio, open and set up an account with Twilio. See Schedule --►Appointment Reminder --►Twilio --►Twilio - User Set Up for set up information.


In versions prior to 12.12.06:

Twilio supports the English language and has a built-in text-to-speech feature so pre-recorded wave (.WAV) files are not necessary. This means the patient and provider names, month and day of the week, appointment time, etc. do not need to be recorded by each office. If there are names or words in a message that Twilio cannot pronounce, the word/name is spelled out.  


In version 12.12.06 and greater:

Twilio supports languages other than English. To have phone messages in a language other than English,  record the greeting, patient names, and provider names in MP3 format. For additional information, please contact Prime Clinical support.



Before Twilio can be used, these must be completed:




Hardware Set Up:

Set up should be completed by the clinics' IT person. Clinics who do not have an IT person should contact Prime Clinical’s hardware department to complete the set up of these fields.


1. Open port 8080 (or the port that was entered in the <Webserver Port> field on the Configuration screen) in the clinic's firewall and forward it to the Intellect server.


1.1 To check to see if the firewall setting is correct and the port is forwarded correctly, open a web browser (for example, Internet Explorer), type http://[the clinic's external IP address]:8080 and press [Enter].


A blank page means that it's working.

An error page means there is something wrong with the firewall setting.


2. Run InstallOnstaffWebServerService.bat under the home/staff/app directory. It adds a new service called Onstaff Web Server (like the Onstaff server) to the Windows services.


2.1 To check to see if the 'onstaff web service' is up and running, open a web browser (for example, Internet Explorer), type http://localhost:8080 and press [Enter].


A blank page means that it's working.

An error page means that the web server is not working.


3. Start the 'OnStaff Web Server' service. It can be started the same way as the OnStaff Server.



Twilio Set Up:

See Schedule --►Appointment Reminder --►Twilio --►Twilio - User Set Up for set up information.


Note: After completing Twilio - User Set Up, I - Open a Twilio Account (steps 1 - 4.2), additional Twilio set up is required. To have Prime Clinical to complete the remaining set up, contact support at 626-449-1705, or email support@primeclinical.com. Please include your name, client ID, contact information, Twilio log-in ID, and Twilio password.  


Note: If changes are made to the clinic's external IP address, they should notify PCS support as their IP address will need to be updated in their Twilio account.



Automate the Task:

Once sections I - IV of Schedule --►Appointment Reminder --►Twilio --►Twilio - User Set Up have been completed (either by the office or by Prime Clinical), contact Prime Clinical to open a reference asking to have the task automated, and to verify that the hardware is set up correctly.


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