Prime Clinical: Your Trusted Partner for ICD-10 Compliance

Prime Clinical is looking forward to October 1, 2015, when the International Classification of Diseases will release its 10th iteration of a common global code that will build on ICD-9 through improved analysis of the causes of illness and death, management of public health trends and threats, and effectiveness of treatments. In anticipation, we have already built the improvements into Intellect, our Practice Management System, and are ready to help healthcare organizations and other HIPAA-covered healthcare entities prepare as well.

While the ICD has always prided itself on its attention to detail, they have outdone themselves this time, with a code for virtually every condition or injury one could imagine. And this is a good thing for Prime Clinical, as we have made ICD an integral part of our services as we have integrated the benefits it brings to improving accuracy of claims, the quality of care, and patient safety

With over 30 years in the healthcare management industry, Prime Clinical has a firm belief in testing and adherence to evolving best practices, and Intellect, our practice management system, is ICD-10 ready and equipped to streamline your administrative workflow.